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I've done my best I think but there was some error with set_soenv
(first patch) 
Hmm, I looked at the first patch, and I definitely don't think we should re-introduce some 
Hamburg-specific stuff that we don't understand, want or need. Not even OOo at Apache will (once 
they have something they can start trying to build) need those _ISBOOTSTRAP, WORK_STAMP etc things. 
All that (for instance, maybe half (?) of is double-plus-obsolete.

There were some changes with precompiled headers.
But that's not finished. Are they useful for something. I don't
understand what that should do and have not asked yet.
In theory, pre-compiled headers are quite useful for Windows compilations, they are said to speed 
up the build significantly.

In practice, successfully being able to use pre-compiled headers requires awareness of it and 
carefulness and following correct (documented somewhere in the OOo wiki, hopefully) procedure while 
coding, and we certainly have not had any of that. I once tried to use pre-compiled headers when 
building on Windows, I had to fix lots of stuff here and there in one module, and in another it was 
just hopeless, so I gave up. I wonder if even Hamburg actually used pre-compiled headers in their 
Windows builds?

I now think that we should just not bother even trying. A key to success is recognizing your 

Of course, the above is just my personal opinion, more clever people might disagree.



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