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On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:45:33AM +0100, Michael Meeks <> wrote:
Hi Cedric,

On Fri, 2011-07-08 at 15:06 +0200, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
Here are two patches to review for the 3.4 branch. I know it's stupid to
hack the RTF import filter... but the new one won't be in 3.4 ;)

      The second patch - basic-handling-of-lines looks fine to me - ack'd for
-3-4. The first is a bit more interesting and/or requires some more
insight from Miklos I guess.

      I don't see any other code doing this:

+        // Remove the properties that have been parsed before in the paragraph
+        GetAttrStack().pop_back();

Hi Michael,

[ Just from that it looks incorrect: if we have a stack that is pushed and
popped after each { and } (as RTF requires it), then doing a pop_back()
to reset the properties will cause a problem at the end (when the
importer tries to pop the last - already popped - element).

But given that I'm not really familiar with the old code and I'm sure
the above reasoning would result in an inmediate crash, just ignore it.
:) ]

Anyway, is the bug private on purpose? From the patches looks like it
has something with the old-style shapes for which I have no test
documents, as Word97+ no longer emits that syntax. At the moment these
Word 6.0/95-style drawing are completely ignored by the new importer -
in case you think it would not be a waste of time to support the old
syntax as well, then I would be interested in the test document.


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