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Hi all,
this week I performed the following tasks:

== 1 ==
Fixed the following bug: exporting a single slide is broken.
This is due to the fact that slide information on visibility of
master page elements and the content of placeholder text shapes are
collected when the implGenerateMetaData is invoked, but this method
is not invoked for the single page case. Now an ad-hoc method
implGetPagePropSet has been implemented to retrieve slide information
in the single page case. Moreover the CalcFieldvalue method has been
modified to handle the single slide case.

== 2 ==
Checkout and Pull from master. Performed a make clean and make all.
Resolved some build issues. I rebased my dev branch from
libreoffice-3-4-0 to the master branch as it was on Monday 4.
I fixed some problems that did not allow the presentation engine
to work properly anymore. On Thursday I provided a new set of patches
based on master as required.

== 3 ==
Implemented a new way for exporting and handling placeholder text
elements.That let us be able to export a single text attribute for
a placeholder text content, simplifying the initialization job of
the JavaScript based  presentation engine.

A lot of more details on my updated log book:

I attached a patch set based on the master branch that includes
all enhancements I implemented until now.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Attachment: svg-export-filter_master_patch-set-03_patches-01-13.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data


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