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On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 11:20 +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Rodolfo wrote:
Indeed, the Stix fonts (STIXGeneral) work perfectly.

I don't know about the metrics issues mentioned by Michael Meeks, though.


so to make progress here, someone would need to research whether
Stix is metric-compatible to OpenSymbol, and if not, fallback to
OpenSymbol for those glyphs that are there. Breaking layout for MS
docs / older documents is not an option, I'm afraid.

Grab both fonts, have a look with fontforge or ttx if the glyphs in
opensymbol happen to have the same widths and heights ?, check leading
as well ?.

Quick sanity-check inspection: Grab both fonts, check what glyphs are in
opensymbol, insert them all into a writer document, export it to pdf.
Select all text, change it to StiX, export it to another pdf. See if
there are the same number of pages in both pdfs anyway, and if there
are, then see if the last bounding box of the last char is in the same



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