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Thank you for the swift response. I think it sounds like good idea to
debug libre office to find out exactly where its failing. Do you know if
there is any blogs/wiki/documentation to help me get started with
that .Thanks

On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 14:06 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:

On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 13:55 +0100, Stuart Ledwich (Hotmail) wrote:
I am currently using openoffice 3.3 on windows (tested on Windows XP sp3
and Windows7) and have a problem (linux is working well).  I use NOA
(Nice Office Access) as a layer to uno - which appears to be working ok.

I connect to open office and all seems well, do some simple field
manipulation and then print and close the document.

I am finding that every so often (about 1 in 5) I get either an error: 
ag.ion.bion.officelayer.text.TextException: java_remote_bridge is disposed
"is disposed" is something of a generic error. This, when I've seen it
anyway, often means that the LibreOffice instance itself has crashed or
gone horribly wrong. You might get more change out of attaching a
debugger to the soffice instance and see if its crashing anywhere



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