Had a chance to speak with one of the organizers for the Ohio Linux fest
(Columbus, Ohio, USA) regarding the possibility of holding a LibreOffice
hackfest/QA session.
They are quite interested and motivated to help us do this.
The date would be Friday September 9th, this day is mostly used at this
event for hand-on training and certification testing.
As this point the show organizers are waiting to here from us regarding
our interest in putting this together.
Before pursuing this with them and either waisting everyones time or
setting up one big FAIL I would like to see if there is interest from
other community members, particularly developers, willing to help.
Let me know - sooner is much better then later on this.
Thanks very much,
Drew Jensen
- [Libreoffice] Hackfest - September 9th, Ohio Linux Fest · drew
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