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Hi Timo,

Haven't heard from you for quite some time :-( - would be great to setup
regular IRC meetings.  How do Mondays 14:00 - 15:00 German time work for

Please note that the mid-term is in 1 month from now, that is getting

I am eager to hear about all the new things you've achieved; and if you
are stuck with anything, I'll be happy to help!


On 2011-06-01 at 19:28 +0200, Timo wrote:
Hello everybody,

this is what I have done since the last report:
- Used HTML Help Compiler (HHC) to create a CHM-file.
- Implemented a bash script that installs HHC with wine. With this
script the HH-Compiler is platform independent. Bash and wine binaries
exist for many platforms.

These are the tasks for the future:
- Test the conversions to CHM with the real libreoffice help. That
computer will take long.
- Implement the conversion to html

At the moment I am stuck using mwlib to create docbook files. I can pass
the names of articles to mwlib´s executable. Those articles will be
converted. Either I need to find a quick way to select all articles or I
create an algorithm. The algorithm shall parse the xmldump and make a
list of all article names. At the moment I aim to search the mwlib code
and find a way.

Best wishes,



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