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Thanks Norbert,
I signed up and added these 2.

Best regards,
Roderick Edwards

Customer Solutions Coordinator
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Inc.
5075 W. 74th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Phone:  +317 536-6844

Norbert Thiebaud <> 
06/09/2011 01:18 AM

Roderick Edwards IMP-IND <>
Re: [Libreoffice] LibreOffice Calc

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Roderick Edwards IMP-IND
<> wrote:
Hi dev team!!!  I love LibreOffice.  Much better than reg OpenOffice. 
macro interoperability and the excel like autofiltering made me consider
using it as a replacement for Excel.  Anyhow, at my work, we have some
people on Excel and some people on OpenOffice (hopefully soon Libre) so 
I am
always trying to work with interoperability issues.

A couple of things that would really help improve Libre Calc.

Black and white print.  OO only has grayscale.
Wildcards "*"  need to operate the same as Excel, especially in a 
such as =MATCH(text&"*",range,0)
Thanks for you feedback.

You may want to consider opening a bug(1) for these (one each) in our
bug-tracker (
so that these valuable feedback do not get lost in the history of the
This is a dev mailinglist where usually patches are posted and
discussed... it is pretty fast moving, so thing that are not acted
upon fairly fast tend to fall through the cracks...
By recording these in bugzilla, they will be remembered there and have
a better chance to be picked-up by a dev at some point.


(1) we use 'bug' as a generic term.. new feature request and minor
enhancements are also recorded, in bugzilla, as 'bug' even if they are
not technically bugs.

06/09/2011----01:18:37 AM


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