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On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 10:54:21 +0200, Regina Henschel <> wrote:
Hi Thorsten,

Thorsten Behrens schrieb:

Cc-ing the list, this may be of public interest - for the moment, I
suggest you simply export *all* slides. Christian, off the top of
your head, is there a way to retrieve the current selection from the
Slidesorter via UNO?

Using Basic you first get the selection
     oShapeCollection = oCurrentController.Selection
and then you can distinguish via varType, whether it is an object or an array of object.
     nVarType = VarType(oShapeCollection)
     '9 object; Something is selected in Normal view
     '8201=8192+9 array of object; Slides are selected in slide sorter.
Hi Regina,
thanks for your reply.
The problem as I explained in my reply to Christian is that
the selection I get from the current controller is of type "void"!


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