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Hi Andras, Michael, Caolan!

I would like to share my findings.

1) is not related to
my problem. It seems templates are checked only only one level not
recursively in the subdirs.
Maybe a fix need for it.

2) Michael, en-US forlder in added by report designer:

<node oor:name="%origin%/../../../../../template" oor:op="fuse"/>
To fix it we should change this path to

3) Related to templates path that I would like to change

The current settings are in

<prop oor:name="Template" oor:type="oor:string-list">
     <desc>Specifies the templates originate from these folders and

<prop oor:name="Template" oor:type="oor:string-list">
     <desc>Specifies the default directory where all provided
templates are located in folders and sub-folders.</desc>

(also I did small changes in scp2 module too.

When I set "$(insturl)/share/template/$(vlang):$(insturl)/share/template/common:$(userurl)/template"
in Common.xcs I expected to Settings/Path UI comes up with all three
paths like this:
/opt/libreoffice3.4/basis3.4/share/template/hu (hu is my current UI language)

but I only get /home/kami/.oxygenoffice/3/user/template

Then I added as
so I  closed I path with "/". then I get this
/opt/libreoffice3.4/basis3.4/share/template/hu (hu is my current UI language)

So are we confident about leaving closing "/"is the good practice?

So finally I tested with:


And I got the desired path settings:
/opt/libreoffice3.4/basis3.4/share/template/hu (hu is my current UI language)

What is your opinion? Why closing "/" matters? Can I commit patch for
it in master? Then I would like to get it to 3-4 if this is the good


2011/5/26 Andras Timar <>:

2011/5/26 KAMI911 KAMI911 <>:
Hi Andras!

Thank you for your answer. I will test on master (currently I have
Linux only) Is it possible to use build services for other platforms?
Using share/template folder in path creates a problem: you all subdirs
appear as empty subdir in the templates selector of File - New - From
I would like to fix this issue by moving language independent fulder
to a subfolder (common) and set the path to this share/template/common
folder instead of share/template.

Have you seen this bug?
It may be related.



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