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Hi Knut,

2011/5/28 Knut Olav Bøhmer <>:
How can I check if a bug that is fixed in 3.4 is also fixed
in LibreOffice 3.4?
You can use Cedric's GreaseMonkey script.
It shows whether a bug is fixed in LibreOffice. Unfortunately it does
not show the version of LibreOffice where the bug is fixed.

For example is
fixed according to the GreaseMonkey script. You can search EIS
( and find
out in which milestone this fix was integrated. Select Child
Workspaces -> Search from the side menu. Enter i115795 in the TaskId
field and press Find button. EIS will tell you that this bug was fixed
in CWS ab81 which was integrated into DEV300m102. LibreOffice 3.4 is
based on DEV300m103 so I'm pretty sure that it has the fix.

Best regards,


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