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On 24/05/11 11:36, Michael Meeks wrote:
        Looks odd to me - this was not necessary in the past (at least
comparing with -3-3 and so on) - I suspect there is a deeper and more
interesting problem we're just band-aiding.
yes, resources from basic.srs were merged previously into ofa[en].res but also existed in sb[en].res, I would guess the problem stems from a partial removal of this duplication ( from m103 or whatever 3.4 is based on ) Not knowing where to start I spent a long time chasing this. In the end I found this is fixed in m106, knowing where to look at least it was easy to find the code to change ( the alternative was to modify the build to include basic.srs in ofa[en].res. When looking in m106 I noticed also some code doing a similar trick for svt[en].res, it's not clear if this change is also necessary for 3.4 ( but then again I didn't hear any problems in that area ) so either it's not an issue or we aren't getting the necessary errors to notice it.
        Still - looks harmless, so I've committed to the -3-4 branch for you.


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