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Le 22/05/2011 07:35, Andras Timar a écrit :
2011/5/22 Julien Nabet<>:
2) The pb is CB_NOTES and the translations should be changed in l10n too.
a) I don't know how to change CB_NOTES from l10n module (they don't appear
in the "dev repository")
b) Except French translation, how to have quickly all the translations ?

I prepared the part 1 (ready to commit and push) but it would break the
build because of part 2. Any idea what should it be for this ?
Missing translations don't break the build. During the course of
development it is normal to change/add/remove UI strings. Translators
will catch up later. It is pointless to hack translations in git,
because they will be overwritten with regular updates from Pootle or
from other sources. When you change 'Notes' to 'Comments' in source,
translators will notice it automatically.
Thanks for the information Andras, you're right and I was wrong about breaking the build, it compiled fine. (I learn a bit everyday :-) ) I've commited and pushed the changes in master. 3 git repositories are concerned :
- libs-core
- testing
- help

I only put a comment for this fdo in the tracker, I didn't change the status : neither at "Assigned" (to whom ?) nor at "Closed" (I don't know when translations will be updated).


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