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On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 19:55 -0400, Peter Teeson wrote:
Both OpenOffice 3.3.0 and LibreOffice 3.3.2 exhibit this behaviour. 
Steps to reproduce: 
(0) Launch either app 
(1) New spreadsheet 
(2) Format/Cells...  

This will almost certainly turn out to be triggered by a specific font.

There was similar problems with icu, see
icu/icu4c.8320.freeserif.crash.patch for a very similar sounding bug
which would crash in the same dialog as you describe above with
freeserif installed under Linux.

Clearly from your stack, its a crash in a different chunk of code, but I
suspect the same trigger, a specific font which claims to have more
tables in it that exist or something of that nature which needs some "if
the font lies to me" extra safety code. I'd start by trying to identify
which font is the trigger font.



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