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Le 16/05/2011 20:52, Julien Nabet a écrit :

I compiled in debug mode and I can launch some modules and not others.

When I launch soffice, i get this :

Error: not initialized properly From File /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/comphelper/source/misc/componentmodule.cxx at Line 130 Error: ComponentContext::getContextValueByName: caught an exception! From File /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/comphelper/source/misc/componentcontext.cxx at Line 108
CAIRO version=10800
Got status: 60%
I did a "make check" and had this :

Mon May 16 21:23:14 2011 (00:19 min.)
Installer finished
: && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/clone/testing/smoketestoo_native/unxlngi6/lib:/home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/bin/cppunit/cppunittester \ -env:UNO_SERVICES=file:///home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/xml/ure/services.rdb \ -env:UNO_TYPES=file:///home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/bin/types.rdb \ -env:arg-soffice=path:/home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/installation/opt/program/soffice -env:arg-user=./unxlngi6/misc/smoketest/user \ -env:arg-env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" -env:arg-testarg.smoketest.doc=/home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/bin/smoketestdoc.sxw --protector \ /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/lib/ \
        unoexceptionprotector ./unxlngi6/lib/
App path: /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/installation/opt/program bootstap: file:///home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/solver/340/unxlngi6/installation/opt/program/bootstraprc user installation: file:///home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/clone/testing/smoketestoo_native/unxlngi6/misc/smoketest/user Generate pipe md5 for 'file:///home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/clone/testing/smoketestoo_native/unxlngi6/misc/smoketest/user'
result: /tmp/OSL_PIPE_1000_SingleOfficeIPC_8d957c182847c9869453bb9107bac60
Failed to connect to pipe: /tmp/OSL_PIPE_1000_SingleOfficeIPC_8d957c182847c9869453bb9107bac60 Adding javaldx path of '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/client:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/server:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386'
    $XENVIRONMENT         ""
    $DISPLAY              ":0.0"
    $SAL_VISUAL           ""
    $SAL_FONTPATH         ""
    $SAL_NOSEGV           ""
    $SAL_PROPERTIES       ""
    $SAL_WM               ""
    $SAL_SYNCHRONIZE      ""
    Host                  "maryline"
    Host                  ":0.0"
    Vendor (Release)      "The X.Org Foundation (10905000)"
    Protocol              11.0
    Screen (count,def)    0 (1,0)
shift ctrl alt Shift_L (0xFFE1) Control_L (0xFFE3) Alt_L (0xFFE9)
    XMaxRequestSize       262140 16777212 [bytes]
    Properties            0x1000FCB
    Windowmanager         0
    WMName                Metacity
    Resolution/Size       96*96 1280*800 15.7"
    Black&White           0 16777215
    RGB                   0xff0000 0xff00 0xff
    Visual                24-bit TrueColor ID=0x21
create md5 from 'file:///home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/clone/testing/smoketestoo_native/unxlngi6/misc/smoketest/user'
Got status: 10%

Polling, result is continue
Got status: 20%

Polling, result is continue
Got status: 40%

Polling, result is continue
Got status: 26%

Polling, result is continue
Error: not initialized properly From File /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/comphelper/source/misc/componentmodule.cxx at Line 130Exited with code '255'
Test name: N12_GLOBAL__N_14TestE::test
setUp() failed
- equality assertion failed
- Expected: 2
- Actual  : 0

Failures !!!
Run: 1   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'cpptest'

        Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
  For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

  internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/smoketestoo_native
 it seems that the error is inside 'smoketestoo_native', please re-run 
 inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

The same error on componentmodule.cxx makes me think there is a link between the failed smoketest and the main pb of this thread.
I've searched and found this :
ProductKey=LibreOffice 3.4

Then I searched where is defined $SYSUSERCONFIG but I found it nowhere. (I searched with ./g grep and opengrok).


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