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This bug is almost 4-years old -
calling startEditingAtNode(nodeobject) method of a tree control does nothing
What should happen:
Tree item editing should start. Depending on the implementation it might look like a text control floating over the item, or the item itself will turn into something editable; i don't know, since, apparently, no one have ever been able to put a node in this mode.
What actually happens:
  Nothing happens. isEditing() returns False after startEditingAtNode().

Why it happens:
As explained in the original bug report, this code ( void SvTreeListBox::ImplEditEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) in svtreebx.cxx):
          for( sal_uInt16 i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ )
              SvLBoxItem* pTmpItem = pEntry->GetItem( i );
              if( pTmpItem->IsA() != SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
checks that a tree item is a SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING and refuses to do anything with it otherwise.
  However, this code (in treecontrolpeer.cxx):
  sal_uInt16 UnoTreeListItem::IsA()
      return 0;
returns 0 on any IsA() call to a tree item, so the check in SvTreeListBox::ImplEditEntry never succeeds.
How to fix it:
The simplest fix, as proposed in the original bug report, is to make UnoTreeListItem::IsA() return SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING instead of 0. It should work because UnoTreeListItem is derived from SvLBoxItem. Since i am unable to build LibreOffice from the source, i cannot verify that this does fix the issue at hand and that it does not introduce new issues.
Testcase is available in the original bug report.


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