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On 2011-05-08, at 4:33 AM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
On 05/08/2011 04:00 AM, Peter Teeson wrote:
I did read the Partial Debug build instruction but I am not sure I understand.
Is this what I should do?  In a new Terminal session

cd git/libo
cd sc
rm - r $INPATH
build debug=true

But then what? Do I just do make?
Sorry for my ignorance on this.


Actually you dont need to do the last 2 steps you source
then go back into the folder and run build that will build just that module.  
then if that still doesnt work remove the unxlangpro6 folder and re run the build.

OK Here's what I did
cd git/libo
cd sc
make -sr clean          #build told me to use make -sr
make -sr debug=true

It produced a new dmg which I installed in Applications and ran.
Got the crash as before.

So how am I supposed to debug? I know how to do that in Xcode.
But this is all new to me. Well to be honest so old - I did this sort of thing in the '70s.
So I need to re-learn / refresh it all again with today's Unix-a-la-Mac.

Do I launch LO and then in terminal run gdb and attach the LO process?
Then set break points in the sc module?

TIA for your help




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