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Hi Matus,

        Great to have you working on this for the summer :-)

        Perhaps it is a good time to start digging into the code that
references the default_icons/res/commandimagelist/ to shrink those
paths. I don't think this really needs to take that long to do :-)

        Doing a quick ./g grep commandimagelist # shows that there are loads of
duplicate instances of this string in the help translations too ;-) so
presumably we can help to shrink that as well.

        So - I guess the first step is to move all the res/commandimagelist/
icons in default_images/ and ooo_custom_images/* into a top-level 'cmd'
directory, or perhaps even 'c/' if we want it really short :-)

        Having done that, then you need to poke the files that reference that.
The key ones are in framework/ (if you want to see results), but we'll
need to clean them all up.

        When you've done your work; re-building in packimages/ should re-make
the .zip files we want:

        cd packimages/
        rm -Rf

        and you should be able to re-run and see the results (with a linked

        I append a list of other pieces to tweak - hopefully this is complete.

        Of course, you should do this vs. master.

solenv/bin/    my $iname = "res/commandimagelist/" . $prefix . $icon . ".png";

        This is used by packimages/ to sort the .zip file contents into the
order they are accessed in for faster startup.

ooo_custom_images/oxygen/CopyrightsTango:All icons under the /res/commandimagelist/ directory, with 
filenames begi

        We should update the paths referenced in these text files :-)

reportdesign/source/ui/dlg/CondFormat.src:        < "res/commandimagelist/sc_bold.png" ;            
desktop/source/deployment/gui/dp_gui_backend.src:    ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = 
"commandimagelist/sc_helperdialog.bmp"; };

        Several .src files have paths that will need this change,
referring to explicit icons.

sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/optsolver.cxx:    // Get the "Delete Rows" commandimagelist images from sfx 
instead of
sc/source/ui/src/toolbox.src:// Don't use this image list for normal toolbar images. We have now 
our commandimagelist
reportbuilder/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/ReportCommands.xcu:            <!-- U will 
find corresponding icons in default_images/res/commandimagelist. -->
sw/source/ui/app/app.src: // Don't use this image list for normal toolbar images. We have now our 

        I guess updating the comments is fun :-)

helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/guide/translation.xhp:<image id="img_id2526017" 
src="res/commandimagelist/sc_managelanguage.png" width="0.1665inch" height="0.1665inch"><alt 
id="alt_id2526017" xml-lang="en-US">Manage Language icon</alt>

        There are tons of these references; we need to do a big sed across all
the files, and another one (with Andras' help) across all the

framework/source/uiconfiguration/imagemanagerimpl.cxx:        "res/commandimagelist/sc_",
framework/source/uiconfiguration/imagemanagerimpl.cxx:        "res/commandimagelist/lc_"

        This is the stuff that finds the icons for use in menus / toolbars.

toolkit/source/awt/vclxbutton.cxx:                         "res/commandimagelist/sc_ok.png" )

        We should sed but not test the near obsolete layout stuff:

toolkit/uiconfig/layout/message-box.xml:        <fixedimage id="FI_ERROR" cnt:expand="false" 
cnt:v-align="0.5" cnt:v-fill="0" graphic="res/commandimagelist/msgbox-error.png" />
toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx:        mpUpButton->SetModeImage( layout::Image ( 
"res/commandimagelist/lc_moveup.png" ) );
toolkit/workben/layout/message-box.xml:        <fixedimage id="FI_ERROR" cnt:expand="false" 
cnt:v-align="0.5" cnt:v-fill="0" graphic="res/commandimagelist/msgbox-error.png" />
toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml:        <fixedimage id="FI_HEADER" cnt:expand="false" 
graphic="res/commandimagelist/sc_apply.png" />
toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml:        <fixedimage id="FI_HEADER" cnt:expand="false" 
graphic="res/commandimagelist/sc_apply.png" />

        And then of course packimages needs a little tweaking.

packimages/pack/$(RES)$/img$/commandimagelist.ilst .PHONY : $(SORTED_LIST)
packimages/pack/    $(FIND) $(SOLARSRC)$/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res/commandimagelist -name 
"*.png" | sed "s#$(SOLARSRC)$/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res#%GLOBALRES%#" | $(PERL) $(SOLARENV)$/bin$/ > 
packimages/pack/$(COMMONBIN)$/ .PHONY: $(RES)$/img$/commandimagelist.ilst
packimages/pack/ : $(RES)$/img$/commandimagelist.ilst

        Beyond that - I think we should be good. Once it works, doing a
build-from-clean to double-check before we push to master would be good.

        Other than that - it'd be fantastic to have this; and no doubt ace_dent
will be happy too.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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