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On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Samphan Raruenrom <> wrote:
Firefox - Tinderboxpushlog :

Doing it this was is near impossible, as the repository is split into
multiple ones.

Building LibreOffice from master or 3.4 branch is hard for beginners because
we don't know which point in time that the branch are buildable on one's
platform. (note
that the build did break because of errors in the translation files) (bah, all red or "old")

So I'm wondering whether it is possible to setup Tinderbox for LibreOffice
project?  So that more developers can work on the source.

There is already, see above. Unfortunately there is no integration
with the git commits yet, (because the repository is split on the one
hand, and on the other because nobody did catch on the easytask of
hooking up git

So for now, basically the only way is to use the dates as revision,
see also this thread from two weeks ago:



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