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Hi Noel,

here is the patch without the conversion from XSpreadsheet to XWorksheet.

I found some nice Code in ScVbaWorkbook::getActiveSheet() where nearly the
same thing was done. But the following attempt didn't work, and created
always an error message in getDocUnoModule()

uno::Reference<frame::XModel> xNewModel( getCurrentExcelDoc( mxContext ),
ScDocShell* pShell = excel::getDocShell( xNewModel );
if( !pShell )
throw uno::RuntimeException();
ScDocument* pDoc = pShell->GetDocument();
String aCodeName;
pDoc->GetCodeName((SCTAB)0 ,aCodeName);
return uno::Reference< excel::XWorksheet >( getUnoDocModule( aCodeName,
pShell ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );

With a debugger you see that pShell points to the correct ScDocShell and
aCodeName points to the CodeName of the ScTable but it still won't work.

Perhabs you know why my idea won't work. Nearly the same code works fine
with ScVbaWorkbook::getActiveSheet()

Patch is under LGPLv3+/MPL.


P.S. Even some really strange ways of using the setUpDocumentModules(const
uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument >) of vbaworkbooks.cxx produces
an error. But this seems a good way to solve the problem. If you can give me
any hints why this won't work I will try again on the conversion

2011/4/14 Noel Power <>

Hi Markus

On 14/04/11 00:49, Markus Mohrhard wrote:


I have reworked most of the Code but have now the problem that I have an
instance of XSpreadsheet but need the corresponding XWorksheet object.

I found one of these conversions at ScVbaWorksheet::getSheetAtOffset but
it needs to call getParent, which will not work in my case because it is for
the new method createSheetCopyInNewDoc. Do you know any way to resolve this

aha very good!! I didn't think of that, nice catch. Ok, here is what I
propose, I think you have suffered enough with this so-called easy hack,
just pass null as the parent and lets get the patch reviewed and in. Please
do put a #TODO #FIXME in the code where the parent is (NOT) created.
The parent should be a Workbook object, problem here is that when you
create a new document, just creating a workbook object isn't enough as those
parents are by a weakreference and the workbook object you would create
would only be temporary.
If the new document was created correctly ( e.g. in vba mode ) then we
could use the getUnoDocModule() to access the correct Workbook instance and
pass that instead. I think we need to tweak the existing code more to do
that ( some stuff like this is already done in ScWorkbooks::Add ). if you
are interested I'd give you some advice/hints on how that should be done and
you could do that as a separate hack ( let me know if you are interested in
doing that ) Otherwise just open a bug for that part and assign it to me and
I will either fix it or create another easy hack from that.

thanks for you continued efforts


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