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Hi kendy,
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 22:51:34 +0200
Jan Holesovsky <> wrote:

The attached seems to generate nice dependency files for me - can you
please check for obvious mistakes / omissions?  I'd like put it to
libreoffice-3-4, to save us from the obsolete makedepend, and to
speedup the build on Windows.
A good starting point. However, there are some things missing there
still, I guess:
1) Handling of errors
   Maybe I missed it, but arent you eating all compiler errors?
2) l10n of MSVC
   Localized versions of cl.exe will localize the "Note: including
   file:" string. Thus one would best make a "test-compile" in
   configure and find out how the string actually looks like on this
3) case sensitivity
   For '#include ""' includes cl.exe creates all lowercase filepaths,
   while for '#include <>' it does the right thing and keeps case. make
   however is case sensitive (which makes sense, given that is is
   multiplatform and we are using a version running on a unix emulation
   even on windows). $(OUTDIR)/Foo.h and $(OUTDIR)/foo.h are different
   beasts for make.

3) is the hard one, as there is no easy way to derive the case of
filenames from the all lowercase path. Checking on the fly is IO and
thus expensive. Caching the filenames might make thing easier, but is
also introducing complexity and fragility.

Best Regards,



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