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On Sat, 2011-02-26 at 16:45 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
I don't see what's wrong - python people around?
this is basis-link/program/ at around line 360:

                for assignee in node.nodes:
                    if == 'g_exportedScripts':
                        print "found g_exportedScripts %s" % (node.expr)
                        for item in node.expr:
                            print "won't reach this on Mac"
                            if item.__class__.__name__ == 'Name':
                        print "and not even this point"
                        return g_exportedScripts

So what is wrong with "for item in node.expr:"?

No idea, but maybe the error isn't there but slightly later on, to test
that theory...

change print to print >> sys.stderr, e.g.

-print "hello"
+print >> sys.stderr, "hello"
to ensure they get flushed immediately in case of some crash/exception
getting thrown.

If you simply change...
--if item.__class__.__name__ == 'Name':
--    g_exportedScripts.append(
to just
does that make a difference ?

What's the version of python in use on Mac ?, suggest 2.3 ?

What's the output of that
print "found g_exportedScripts %s" % (node.expr)
line ?

FWIW is the api being used here. All
the code wants to do is, if there is a g_exportedScripts in the .py,
get the list of names of methods assigned to that g_exportedScripts by
parsing the .py without actually executing the .py. 



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