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On Tue, 2011-03-01 at 10:05 +0100, Zongbo Zhang wrote:

Could anyone here please tell me:  1. where I can find the source code
 for tooltips of 'deletion' and 'insertion'?

So, technique for finding these is basically...

find . -name "*.src" -exec grep "STRING" {} /dev/null \;

which gives...

sw/ui/docvw/docvw.src as "STR_REDLINE_INSERT", now search for
STR_REDLINE_INSERT in the .cxx files, the one for the tooltips is

sw/source/ui/docvw/edtwin2.cxx where "lcl_GetRedlineHelp" makes the
string, and Help::ShowBalloon shows it

 2. when an odt file was
 saved, where are those 'deletion' or 'insertion ' info saved? are they
 saved in a xml file?      if so, where can I find the xml file?

Yeah, best thing to do here is to turn off
tools->options->load/save->generic "size optimization for ODF format",
and now save a document without redlines, then turn on redlines make a
change, and save to some new document.

Now you can simply unzip the old document and the new document, and
examine the difference in the streams contained inside the documents to
quickly find out how they are stored. The ODF spec will in theory have
the full details of what everything is.

Turning off "size optimization for ODF format" gives a human-readable
output, while with it on, you get no newlines, so one single xml line.



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