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Hi Christina,

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Christina Roßmanith
<> wrote:

I've removed some lines of commented code in

Looks all good.  Pushed.

I had to change the format of one if-statement after the comment
removal, but other than that, the rest has been applied as-is.

For fcomp.cxx I'm not sure if line 82 "// inline OCursor..." might be
removed as well.
I agree.  Removed in my follow-up commit.

There were some calls of RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR commented but the
majority wasn't. Can the commented calls be removed or should every method
Actually I've been wondering about these calls too.  They are
everywhere, yet it's not entirely clear what the purpose of these
calls are.  My personal preference is to remove them, but I would like
to at least know why they are there to begin with...



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