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On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 11:29 +0100, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:

here is a new set of simple patches for freebsd.

libs-gui-fix-spadmin set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so be able to correctly
launch spadmin
libs-gui: b5eb853f93d79c4204169903aa6d2a420eb6d7ce add FreeBSD to the list of BSD OS which needs
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be able to correctly launch it?
libs-core: ecbec07771b518617c188a0a6ef182195214de0e

As per the other email, left out the third patch.

I've no problem with these for 3.3.1 as they affects the BSDs only.
Though, and so cc'ed the other BSDs, it would seem likely that the two
other BSDs need the padmin change as well. Can you guys check if you
need to be in there too and ack/nack if you want it backpushed to 3.3.1



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