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usually I can push translations of comments on my own. But I mixed removal of double line spacing and dead code with translation so I thought it is safer to send the whole patch to the list. Next time I'll either translate or do some code cleanup but not both...

This is LGPLv3+/MPL.


From 91debae66b022ef7d2856654b433bb05fb18ae1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christina Rossmanith <>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 22:21:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Removed blank lines, dead code; Translated comments from German->English

 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx |   71 ++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx 
index 0b93527..1233324 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 #include <bf_svx/svxids.hrc>
 #include <bf_svx/xlntrit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/svdviter.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/svdview.hxx>
@@ -46,8 +45,6 @@
 #define ITEMID_DOUBLE          0
@@ -61,31 +58,19 @@
 #include <bf_svx/dialogs.hrc>
 #include "math.h"
 #include <bf_svx/xlnedcit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnstcit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnedwit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnstwit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnedit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnstit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlndsit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnclit.hxx>
 #include <bf_svx/xlnwtit.hxx>
 #include "pairs.hxx"
 #include "datalog.hxx"
 #include "chaxis.hxx"
 #include "chmod3d.hxx"
 #include "schmod.hxx"
 namespace binfilter {
@@ -138,30 +123,31 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ const USHORT nExchangeTitleWhichPairs[] =
-/*N*/ {                                                    //ca.:
+/*N*/ {                                                    //approx.:
 /*N*/  XATTR_LINE_FIRST, XATTR_LINE_LAST,              // 1000
 /*N*/  XATTR_FILL_FIRST, XATTR_FILL_LAST,              // 1020
-/*N*/  SDRATTR_START, SDRATTR_END, //hier geändert auf alle SdrAttr
+/*N*/  SDRATTR_START, SDRATTR_END, //here changed to all SdrAttr
 /*N*/  EE_ITEMS_START, EE_ITEMS_END,                   // 4000
 /*N*/  0
 /*N*/ };
-|* Textobjekt fuer Diagramme erzeugen
-|* FG: Der Parameter MaximumWidth wird beachtet, falls er groesser als 0 ist.
-|*     Dann wird zur Not der Text umgebrochen. Diese Groesse muss auch
-|*     CalcMaxDescrSize uebergeben werden, sonst stimmt die Formatierung nicht.
-|*     Es werden maximal 2 Zeilen dieser Breite erzeugt der Rest wird abgeschnitten.
+|* Create text object for diagrams
+|* FG: The parameter MaximumWidth is only used if >0. In that case lines are
+|*     are wrapped if necessary. MaximumWidth has to passed to CalcMaxDescrSize
+|*     too, otherwise the formatting is wrong.
+|*     At a maximum 2 lines of that width are created. The rest is cut off.
-|*      Das sollte umgeschrieben werden, denn:
-|*      1)  Es wird der Text in ein Outline-Objekt gepackt, damit man mit Stacked-Text
-|*          zurecht kommt.
-|*      2)  daraus wird die Groesse und die Breite berechnet.
-|*      3)  dann wird diese Groesse genommen um ein SdrTextObj mit den gleichen
-|*          Attributen zu erzeugen, wie das Outline Objekt.
+|*      That should be reimplemented because:
+|*      1)  The text is put into an outline object gepackt, in order to be
+|*          able to process stacked text.
+|*      2)  based on that object the size and the width are calculated
+|*      3)  then this size is taken to create a SdrTextObj with the same
+|*          attributes as the outline object.
@@ -199,17 +185,19 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/  else
 /*N*/          pOutliner->SetText(rText, pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
-/*N*/          // FG: Diese Routine berechnet nun wirklich ob der Text umgebrochen werden soll 
oder nicht.
+/*N*/          // FG: This routine actually calculates if the text has to be
+            // wrapped
 /*N*/  Size aSize = CalcTextSizeOfOneText (eOrient, aTextAttr, pOutliner, nMaximumWidth,FALSE);
-/*N*/          // FG: Was macht das?
+/*N*/          // FG: What is the purpose of this statement?
 /*N*/  OutlinerParaObject* pPara =     pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
-/*N*/          // FG: Hier wird der Text der oben muehsam erzeugt und formatiert wurde, wieder 
+/*N*/          // FG: Now the text created and formatted by the statements above
+            // is destroyed.
 /*N*/  pOutliner->Clear();
-/*N*/  //rPos=Position im ChartRect, wird als arg uebergeben,
-/*N*/  //size ergibt sich aus CalcTextOf... (s.o.)
+/*N*/  //rPos=position in ChartRect, is passed as arg
+/*N*/  //size results from CalcTextOf... (see above)
 /*N*/  Rectangle aRect(rPos, aSize);
 /*N*/  SdrRectObj* pObj;
@@ -217,7 +205,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/  switch(nId)
 /*N*/  {
-/*N*/          //Alle Titel sorgen selbst für ihre Attributierung:
+/*N*/          //All titles are responsible for their attributes
 /*N*/          case CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_TITLE_X_AXIS:
 /*N*/          case CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_TITLE_Y_AXIS:
 /*N*/          case CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_TITLE_Z_AXIS:
@@ -231,7 +219,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/  }
-/*N*/  //Seit 4/1998 koennen Texte frei gedreht werden: SCHATTR_TEXT_DEGREES
+/*N*/  // Since 4/1998 text can be rotated by an arbitrary angle: SCHATTR_TEXT_DEGREES
 /*N*/  long nDegrees=GetTextRotation((SfxItemSet&)rAttr,eOrient);
 /*N*/  if(nDegrees)
 /*N*/  {
@@ -241,10 +229,10 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/     pObj->NbcMove( AdjustRotatedRect(aOldBoundRect, eAdjust,pObj->GetBoundRect()));
 /*N*/  }
-/*N*/  //ToDo: anhängen der ,*(pItemPool->GetFrozenIdRanges()) ???, erstmal mit diesen Whichpairs
+/*N*/  //ToDo: appending of ,*(pItemPool->GetFrozenIdRanges()) ???, preliminaryly with these 
 /*N*/  SfxItemSet aAreaAttr(*pItemPool,nExchangeTitleWhichPairs);
-/*N*/  //Neu: #52009#
+/*N*/   //Neu: #52009#
 /*N*/  aAreaAttr.Put(SdrTextAutoGrowHeightItem( bIsTitle ));
 /*N*/  aAreaAttr.Put(SdrTextAutoGrowWidthItem( bIsTitle ));
 /*N*/  aAreaAttr.Put(rAttr);
@@ -262,14 +250,14 @@ namespace binfilter {
-|* Text von Diagramm-Textobjekten setzen
+|* Set text of diagram-text objects
-|* Attribute von Diagramm-Textobjekten setzen
+|* Set attributes of diagram-text objects
@@ -280,9 +268,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/     // #97992# calling SetItemSet results in changing the p...Attr in the ChartModel
 /*N*/     // because of the implementation of SchRectObj.  Maybe this is wrong, but it seemed
 /*N*/     // to risky, therefore I set here all the correct items to prevent loss
-/*N*/ //       SfxItemSet aObjAttr( *pItemPool, nAreaWhichPairs );
-/*N*/ //       aObjAttr.Put(rAttr);
-/*N*/ //       rTextObj.SetItemSetAndBroadcast(aAreaAttr);
 /*N*/     rTextObj.SetItemSetAndBroadcast( rAttr );
 /*N*/  if ( rTextObj.GetOutlinerParaObject())
@@ -297,7 +282,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/          if(IsAttrChangeNeedsBuildChart(rAttr))
 /*N*/          {
-/*N*/                  //in diesem Fall koennte ein Textresize/reorg noetig sein
+/*N*/                  // in this case a text resize/reorg might be necessary
 /*N*/                  Size aSize = pOutliner->CalcTextSize();
 /*N*/                  aSize.Height() += TEXTHEIGHT_OFS;


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