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Hi Steve,

On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 23:06 +1000, Steve Butler wrote:
Baby steps... this patch uses the idxdict program to build the idx files instead
of the perl script.
        Great - it turns out we needed to use $(AUGMENT_LIBRARY_PATH) to make
this work - essentially setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH before we ran the
helper. I also removed the old perl tool.

It appears the .idx files are only intermediate and the final products
are .oxt files
        Right; although, I suspect there is no real point in shipping these as

I still haven't looked at how these are used by libreoffice but it
means actually generating the .idx files at install time may also
require adding the index to the zip, which makes things a little
trickier than I anticipated.
        Oh - sure; we can perhaps drop the extension format for these guys, and
just package the files directly in a bundle; that means some poking in
scp2 and the deliver piece (prj/d.lst). Should speed up build time as
well (checkout extras/ for how this sort of thing often goes).

        Of course - we want to ship the indexes on Linux (I suspect), since
running tools at install time is a tad painful, and we don't have quite
the same size constraints.

        I see the thesaurus code seems to live inside mythes ( which seems to
include a duplicate of your idxdict tool in perl again inside a patch -
we should probably try to unwind that ). Mythes is an external thing -
so we have some pristine source & patches, and it builds into ...

        Then 'mythes' seems to be used in lingucomponent/ somewhere - I suppose
that is where to be digging for the user code. I suspect if we can read
and index this file in two seconds - and it is used in response to user
input - there may not really be a lot of value in indexing it ahead of
time, but ... ;-) worth playing with that.

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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