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I just want to add that the idea of using Google Docs and the WedDav aspects
is a good first step.
Sure it allows seamless editing via the web and synchronisation back to your
own harddisk OR cloud harddisk.

But its a first step. I think that getting a XML to DOM component that
is JavaScript based would be a better approach.
I knwo its very ambitious but its amazing how powerful JS is these days in
Also i think a read only version would be a good first step.
For that a read / write version could be done in stages
implementing various functionality progressively.

This is very hard stuff but i think trying out a prototype to do the XML to
DOm conversion with AngularJS is worthwhile.
I want to add that the xml namespace to JS binding is apr of AngularJS. Its
how it "just works". So its a very concise solution with high encapsulation.
Many people ( including me) are afraid of JS because its untyped, and so
hard to work with large code bases. I agree, but the thing i noticed about
AngularJS is how it can map XML to DOM very easily and with high
encapsulation to whatever fragment in the XML document you bind to.

I just dont know the Open Office code base well enough to know what server
side parts can be leveraged.
Any C code can be leverage server side using a Ajax style approach using the
logic encapsulated inside the c libraries, and exposed on the client side


On 27 January 2011 15:46, Ged Wed <> wrote:

Hey all,

Yeah i thought about Google Docs synchronisation. For example this is what
i do now but a more manual process.
It does work, but as you say you loose fidelity because google docs is not
Open Office.

I cant help but think that the purist way of rendering directly using html5
and JavaScript specifically off an unpackaged open office word doc is a
better approach.
Again here is the idea:
1. Client side unpacking and packing. JS can do this and handle
the various aspects of this.
- I node that using NodeJS we can leverage doing all aspects either server
side or client side thats to CommonJS standard.

2. The XML is rendered to the dom, and then "compiled" using angularJS in
order to re-render the various parts of the XML.
- For each XML part of namespace a controller and view
rendering mechanism is available with AngularJS which is very concise.

3. Some standard interaction GUI controls can be used for common things
like "search and Replace, style, file IO, notifications etc.
The idea is not to completely implement the OO functionality for Word docs,
but to just give basic editing.
Because the the way AngularJS works anything NOT implemented off the XML is
still able to be reproduced in the XML to COM conversion and back from DOM
to XML again.

Now the question is this:
1. What parts of this can be leveraged off the current code base to be done
server side ? SOme ideas:
a. Packaging and unpacking
b. Data data extraction out of the XML fragments ?



On 27 January 2011 13:18, Michael Meeks <> wrote:

On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 12:55 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Indeed, a first step would be an extension that could store documents
on Dropbox and Ubuntu One... what do others think?

        This probably belongs on the discuss list. Can we talk
patches, code details, tangled bugs, and concrete contributions etc.
here ? :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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