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Hi Christoph, Ferenc, all

Christoph Noack schrieb:
Hi Ferenc, all,

forwarding to ...

There has been a question on the design team mailing list concerning
the cell grid - it seems to be drawn in the background, thus, it
vanishes if people apply a background color (see picture link

I don't know whether this is intentional, a bug, ... so I though
it's better to ask you. From my UX point-of-view, the grid should be
shown on-top.
This has been chosen intentionally "for compatibility with other
spreadsheet programs"
... except, I assume ...

"There have been many requests for this feature from those users who use
Calc to design input forms; to remove grid lines in selected areas. When designing forms inside spreadsheet, grid lines look very ugly."
With target LibO 3.3.1 this feature should be customizable.

Please have a look at for details.

From my personal POV most users add colored backgrounds in order to differ between areas instead of creating input forms, therefore I'd like to see the previous behavior as default and the hidden grid lines as selectable option.
But perhaps there might be UX survey data about that question...

Best regards


Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Christoph

PS: I'll moderate answers to design@libreoffice...

Am Donnerstag, den 06.01.2011, 17:38 +0100 schrieb Ferenc Gyenezs:

My question is, is there any way to turn the default cell border
always-on-top / show even, when the cell got a background color?

I really want to leave OOCalc alone, but i use a lot of cell
coloring, and "this" feature is annoys me.


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