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On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 04:07:57AM -0700, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

I admit that having to have the redirection of input to the while loop at the end, after the 
"done", does make it harder to read, especially if the loop is long. In this case the loop is not 
long, but still... so yeah, using "cat" here to pipe the file into the while loop is clearer, 
even if it introduces an extra process and pipe.
Thanks for clarification, I regarded it as a typo :) Since it is just one time
script to get a specific task, I didn't think to much of resource
usage... in my update script it still sticks to cat pipe, hope it would
not so suck, hehe...

Would you also like to comment my updated method sent yesterday? Thanks!

Best regards,


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