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Hi Jiang,

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 05:43:59AM -0500, Jiang Yike <> wrote:
Today I found a problem which LibreOffice has but OOo/Go-oo don't have. The .ppt/.pptx documents 
created by LibreOffice (I use RC2) can't be opened by Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer (with the 
support of 2007 formats) and Micrsoft Office Web Apps. MS PowerPoint Viewer says that the 
documents have a problem; MS Office Web Apps warns that the .ppt documents have a potential 
security problem and the .pptx documents are broken. However, MS Office PowerPoint can open these 

The .ppt/.pptx documents created by can be opened by both of MS PowerPoint 
Viewer and MS Office Web Apps without any warning.

LibreOffice RC2 has an other problem about converting an .odp document to a .pptx document. An 
.odp file of about 500 KB is saved as a .ppt file with the similar size, but it will be saved as 
a .pptx file with more than 6 MB. Perhaps this is why MS Office Web Apps says the .pptx documents 
are broken.
Please follow
and upload a small document that reproduces the issue but does not
contain something sensitive, so that it can get fixed.


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