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So, hello guys, i'm trying to build LO at Windows and i know that anyone of us don't like to see 
it, but i really, --really--, needs help to do it because i can't, today, do it alone.

The facts:

 - LO Build Page not solve the problem, she says 'hey, my FRIEND, you only need to download your 
libo and all will flow like water dude', this is not true.

First she says: oh man, i forgot, can you download mozilla build?
I think: oh yeah, i can, where i put it?
She says: boy, this is a secret, but you can use the --with-mozilla-build and set the path!
So I: GREAT, this is helpfull!

so, ./ --with-mozilla-build=/cygdrive/c/mozilla-build

And when I use, what happens? Error! Why? I do not know, and the wiki don't talk how. But where is 
the error:

- configure: error: Building SeaMonkey is supported with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 only.

OK! We are hackers, can we resolve this? sure! Somewhere they show how for me? no! so i use 
--disable-mozilla. So, what's next? OH sure, PSDK! What is this? I do not know, but can i download 
it? sure! Somewhere they show where to put it? no! But we are hackers, right? I think that we can 
resolve it!

The --help says: Oh my friend, you can use --with-psdk-home=PATH
And I: Can i? MAN this is GREAT!

and, again.. ./ --disable-mozilla --with-psdk-home=/cygdrive/c/psdk/

Result? Nothing... Why? I do not know. And the Wiki don't told me anything about this. AND, i can't 
go ahead.

- checking for psdk.... some <all?>... please use --with-psdk-home (oh man, i'm using it ;-/ can i 


So, srsly now, what i want to show it this e-mail is that the Wiki do not provide what i need to 
know, and when i go ask help in the channel, what i see? 'derp, durp, derp, Go to wiki!'.

What wrong i'm doing? Or better, what is wrong here?




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