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Please permit me to express certain personal issues I do not know if I might receive helps from you 
of course my subject might appear so sudden but please consider this as a wish and accept my mail 
with a deep sense of humility

I lost my father about some months ago; I and my sister are Alone right now. My father was a formal 
district leader to our entire community more than twenty-five years before our births I was the 
Eldest son and our mother has a divorce with my father she did never knew of my father's fortunes 
and so many other aspects though we lost my Mom on the 1st July 2010

Unfortunately, my father willed some amounts of money to us which was with a certain bank within 
our capital district These amounts was annually paid into my fathers account from various 
communities and company cooperation among which where Shell Petroleum Development Company, Chevron, 
and Mobil.

Most of the saving which my father willed to me was from annual revenues for compensation of youth 
and community development under my father leadership I 'd like to transfer to your country with 
your cooperate assistance of course this was my actual issue of reaching with a mail.

The real plight where that there has always been many problems within family members because of 
indirect rights to some certain matters much like my father's mills, lands, old industrial, 
Estates, and 16 private housing and other structures. I may urgently need your assistance as I 
wanted immediate transfer's to your country cooperatively with your helps. I inherited Good sun of 
money which is $4.000.000 as said herein and I believed it might be Great times that has indeed 
drew us together Please do accord mutual esteem to the email, I may need your Reply quickly. 

Sincerely Charles


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