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Remove call-catcher / bloat removal with ScBitMaskCompressedArray of sc.

Since i've got big problems to compile, this patch must be tested before applying.
checking whether the C++ compiler (ccache gcc  ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables. dmake: Error code 1, while making './'
        Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
  For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

  internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/serval/libreoffice-source/libo/soltools/support ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/serval/libreoffice-source/libo/moz
 it seems you are using a threaded build, which means that the
 actual compile error is probably hidden far above, and could be
 inside any of these other modules:
 please re-run build inside each one to isolate the problem.

I tried to compile vcl

(LGPLv3+ / MPL)
commit cde5d175581ccd7ec388c04aad7454be252da01f
Author: serval <>
Date:   Sat Dec 11 09:13:41 2010 +0100

    Remove callcatcher ScBitMaskCompressedArray

diff --git a/sc/inc/compressedarray.hxx b/sc/inc/compressedarray.hxx
index c0f8638..e245b23 100644
--- a/sc/inc/compressedarray.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/compressedarray.hxx
@@ -466,24 +466,6 @@ public:
                                     A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToAnd,
                                     long nSourceDy = 0 );
-    /** Copy values from rArray and bitwise OR them with rValueToOr. */
-    void                        CopyFromOred(
-                                    const ScBitMaskCompressedArray& rArray,
-                                    A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToOr,
-                                    long nSourceDy = 0 );
-    /** Return the start row of a region where all entries meet the condition:
-        ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare). If not even nEnd meets
-        this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
-    A                           GetBitStateStart( A nEnd, const D& rBitMask,
-                                    const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
-    /** Return the end row of a region where all entries meet the condition:
-        ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare). If not even nStart meets
-        this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
-    A                           GetBitStateEnd( A nStart, const D& rBitMask,
-                                    const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
     /** Return the first row where an entry meets the condition:
         ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare), searching between nStart and
         nEnd. If no entry meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max()
@@ -493,39 +475,6 @@ public:
                                     const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
     /** Return the last row where an entry meets the condition:
-        ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare), searching between nStart and
-        nEnd. If no entry meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max()
-        is returned. */
-    SC_DLLPUBLIC A                           GetLastForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-                                    const D& rBitMask,
-                                    const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
-    /** Count rows between nStart and nEnd where entries meet the condition:
-        ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare) */
-    A                           CountForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-                                    const D& rBitMask,
-                                    const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
-    /** Whether there is any entry between nStart and nEnd where the condition
-        is met: ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare) */
-    SC_DLLPUBLIC bool                        HasCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-                                    const D& rBitMask,
-                                    const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
-    /** Fill an array with row numbers between nStart and nEnd where entries
-        meet the condition: ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare).
-        @return the count of used elements in array. */
-    size_t                      FillArrayForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-                                    const D& rBitMask,
-                                    const D& rMaskedCompare,
-                                    A * pArray, size_t nArraySize ) const;
-    /** Count rows between nStart and nEnd where entries meet the condition:
-        ((aValue & rBitMask) != 0) */
-    A                           CountForAnyBitCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-                                    const D& rBitMask ) const;
-    /** Return the last row where an entry meets the condition:
         ((aValue & rBitMask) != 0), start searching at nStart. If no entry
         meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
     A                           GetLastAnyBitAccess( A nStart,
diff --git a/sc/source/core/data/compressedarray.cxx b/sc/source/core/data/compressedarray.cxx
index 7b8fdab..9ed2de5 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/data/compressedarray.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/data/compressedarray.cxx
@@ -497,67 +497,6 @@ void ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::CopyFromAnded(
-template< typename A, typename D >
-void ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::CopyFromOred(
-        const ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>& rArray, A nStart, A nEnd,
-        const D& rValueToOr, long nSourceDy )
-    size_t nIndex;
-    A nRegionEnd;
-    for (A j=nStart; j<=nEnd; ++j)
-    {
-        const D& rValue = (j==nStart ?
-                rArray.GetValue( j+nSourceDy, nIndex, nRegionEnd) :
-                rArray.GetNextValue( nIndex, nRegionEnd));
-        nRegionEnd -= nSourceDy;
-        if (nRegionEnd > nEnd)
-            nRegionEnd = nEnd;
-        SetValue( j, nRegionEnd, rValue | rValueToOr);
-        j = nRegionEnd;
-    }
-template< typename A, typename D >
-A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::GetBitStateStart( A nEnd,
-        const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare ) const
-    A nStart = ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max();
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nEnd);
-    while ((this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare)
-    {
-        if (nIndex > 0)
-        {
-            --nIndex;
-            nStart = this->pData[nIndex].nEnd + 1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            nStart = 0;
-            break;  // while
-        }
-    }
-    return nStart;
-template< typename A, typename D >
-A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::GetBitStateEnd( A nStart,
-        const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare ) const
-    A nEnd = ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max();
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nStart);
-    while (nIndex < this->nCount && (this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) ==
-            rMaskedCompare)
-    {
-        nEnd = this->pData[nIndex].nEnd;
-        ++nIndex;
-    }
-    return nEnd;
 template< typename A, typename D >
 A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::GetFirstForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
         const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare ) const
@@ -577,115 +516,6 @@ A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::GetFirstForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
     return ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max();
-template< typename A, typename D >
-A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::GetLastForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-        const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare ) const
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nEnd);
-    while (1)
-    {
-        if ((this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare)
-            return ::std::min( this->pData[nIndex].nEnd, nEnd);
-        if (nIndex > 0)
-        {
-            --nIndex;
-            if (this->pData[nIndex].nEnd < nStart)
-                break;  // while
-        }
-        else
-            break;  // while
-    }
-    return ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max();
-template< typename A, typename D >
-A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::CountForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-        const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare ) const
-    A nRet = 0;
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nStart);
-    do
-    {
-        if ((this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare)
-        {
-            A nS = ::std::max( (nIndex>0 ? this->pData[nIndex-1].nEnd+1 : 0), nStart);
-            A nE = ::std::min( this->pData[nIndex].nEnd, nEnd);
-            nRet += nE - nS + 1;
-        }
-        if (this->pData[nIndex].nEnd >= nEnd)
-            break;  // while
-        ++nIndex;
-    } while (nIndex < this->nCount);
-    return nRet;
-template< typename A, typename D >
-size_t ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::FillArrayForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-        const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare,
-        A * pArray, size_t nArraySize ) const
-    size_t nUsed = 0;
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nStart);
-    while (nIndex < this->nCount && nUsed < nArraySize)
-    {
-        if ((this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare)
-        {
-            A nS = ::std::max( (nIndex>0 ? this->pData[nIndex-1].nEnd+1 : 0), nStart);
-            A nE = ::std::min( this->pData[nIndex].nEnd, nEnd);
-            while (nS <= nE && nUsed < nArraySize)
-                pArray[nUsed++] = nS++;
-        }
-        if (this->pData[nIndex].nEnd >= nEnd)
-            break;  // while
-        ++nIndex;
-    }
-    return nUsed;
-template< typename A, typename D >
-bool ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::HasCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-        const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare ) const
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nStart);
-    do
-    {
-        if ((this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare)
-            return true;
-        if (this->pData[nIndex].nEnd >= nEnd)
-            break;  // while
-        ++nIndex;
-    }  while (nIndex < this->nCount);
-    return false;
-template< typename A, typename D >
-A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::CountForAnyBitCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
-        const D& rBitMask ) const
-    A nRet = 0;
-    size_t nIndex = Search( nStart);
-    do
-    {
-        if ((this->pData[nIndex].aValue & rBitMask) != 0)
-        {
-            A nS = ::std::max( (nIndex>0 ? this->pData[nIndex-1].nEnd+1 : 0), nStart);
-            A nE = ::std::min( this->pData[nIndex].nEnd, nEnd);
-            nRet += nE - nS + 1;
-        }
-        if (this->pData[nIndex].nEnd >= nEnd)
-            break;  // while
-        ++nIndex;
-    } while (nIndex < this->nCount);
-    return nRet;
 template< typename A, typename D >
 A ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::GetLastAnyBitAccess( A nStart,
         const D& rBitMask ) const


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