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I guess we should tie the 'help-welcome' (the page that opens when the
user clicks Help->Help from menu) pages to the wiki/Main_Page or
probably create a LibreOffice welcome help page (to point to the Writer,
Calc, and other applications help-start pages)...
I too felt it odd for it not to have it. Just my thought...

Muthu Subramanian

On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 14:48 +0100, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
Hi Miklos,

On 2010-12-07 at 22:21 +0100, Miklos Vajna wrote: is now up and running.  As explained above,
it is not open for public editing yet. 
I must miss something really trivial, but I do not see where to start
reading. :) The only way to find pages from the main page is to use the
Random page or Recent changes feature.

Did I miss the point? :)
You did ;-)  The point is not to browse the help per se (even though it
can of course evolve into that), but the real usage is to hit F1 in
LibreOffice without a help installed, and you'll get _directly_ to the
right page - eg. if you navigate by keys in the File menu to 'Save
As...', and hit F1' you'll get directly to


Similarly for the checkboxes/input fields/anything in the dialogs, or
wherever you can hit F1 and get some help.


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