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On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 08:57:11PM +0300, Sophie Gautier wrote:
Like some other members of the L10n project, I'm not very happy with
the RC1 we provided:
- the Windows multilanguage installer is really a pain when you are
on a slow connexion
Is that really a argument now that most people use broadband? Should we
really care about those wo don't (and downlaod a new version every few

(Disclaimer: I don't like the multi-lang installed either, and am happy
that we don't have that on Linux)

- once you're done with the version, you realize that you do not get
the help files,
I don't like the splitout of the help either, but I guess this has been
approved by the SC. (I'll continue to package it). Nevertheless, shouldn't
this magically work if the URLs to the help got fixed?

- no spellchecker is available when a inexistent grammar checker
extension is provided, so a poor quality shown and again a new
That I don't understand.


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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