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On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 21:49:38 -0500, Kevin Hunter wrote:
Frankly, I think the 
QuickStart solution was always the wrong answer.  It represents to me a 
quick and (truly) dirty solution.  I believe the "correct" answer is to 
streamline LO.  However, the latter solution involves a bit more 
diligence (i.e. more work :-( ).
I think everyone agrees that this is the right solution and would make
quickstart redundant. However, until we are there, I am sure some
appreciate the quickstarter.

On a related note, is some profiling results available, looking at the
startup of a, say, typical writer document? I know that the GNOME guys
had nice time-tables showing what happened when. Also it would be
interesting to see what functions are run and how often until the doc
shows up?

What do people recommend for that? oprofile, valgrind, trace, or
whatever? And are some resulting profiles available somewhere?

Each second squeezed out of the startup path are a million seconds
accumulated of all users' starts.


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