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On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 10:59 +0000, Andy Hearn wrote:
I'm very keen to dive in and sort that out - but for the life of me I cannot
find what converts Comments in a .doc file into Notes of Writer/Text, and
obviously the vice versa too.  Can some kind soul here point me to the
file(s) of relevance to start me off on my dry running, and whom should I be
talking to to get changes in?  Thanks!

the binary .doc format or new xml format .docx ? 

For .doc the import is in sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx and
"SwWW8ImplReader::Read_And" which calls
SwWW8ImplReader::ImportAsOutliner which should attempt to retain the
actual formatting of the note. And the export is in wrtw8sty.cxx and see
WW8_WrPlcSubDoc::WriteGenericTxt case "TXT_ATN".



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