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Hi Alexander,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Alexander O. Anisimov
<> wrote:

I've remove all bogus comments in components. Patches are in attachment. I
was attached two patches because I could not understand the difference
between "// --> OD" and "// --> PB".

Thanks for the patches, the OD and PB just are username nicks, so
those can be removed, but please don't remove the corresponding
issuezilla bugentries, like #i<number# or just i<number>, those refer
to the bugtracker (issuezilla), and that info sometimes
is very helpful.

Eg this comment
//-->Calculate dynamical width of controls, add buy wuy for i71445
Time: 2007.02.27

What the heck is "buy wuy" that was added here? No clue, but visiting
helps - the "add buy wuy" means "contributed by (Yan) Wu to fix issue 71445

So it should be changed to something like
// calculate dynamic width of controls, to not cut-off translated
strings (#i71445)

So I did not know to remove them or

The date-stamp and the committer's nick: Yes, remove, but don't stip
the issue-number and an explanatory comment that follows those tags.

So apart from the "buy wuy" one, patch #1 is OK, thanks for that

Also I don't remove the //CHINA001 begin ... //CHINA001 end just now,
since could be that the hole parts is kind of obsolete, so leave in
the markers to have a second look - the removal of the
already-commented out stuff is OK though.

One minor thing: you changed encoding of a comment - but I'll
translate that one right away
// muß gespeichert werden ? -> // need to save?



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