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On Sat, 2010-11-06 at 14:22 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Alexander, *,

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Alexander O. Anisimov
<> wrote:

I've remove all bogus comments in module Calc. Patch is in attachment. If
it's ok I would like to do such work for other modules.

Thanks a lot!  Pushed.  But I had to do a follow-up commit to fix
several things per Christian's comment.

The patch removes references to issues, those should stay IMHO.

So, I did some additional editing following Alexander's commit, in order
to preserve reference to issues.

The only exception is #i33095# - which just points to an issue where the
feature was added.  I didn't see any worthwhile information there so I
opted to remove that one.  Plus we normally keep unonames.hxx clean,
with only minimal comments, since that file only encodes UNO property
names that are used throughout calc's code.

And wrt //CHINA001 (didn't look at the code, but could be that the
corresponding code is no longer needed at all.

Some are indeed no longer used, and I removed them.  Good catch. :-)

Others are still used, so I left them there, with only the //CHINA001
parts removed.

GetScCompilerNativeSymbol() was still used, but it could easily be
substituted with ScCompiler::GetNativeSymbol(), so I replaced the former
with the latter.


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc


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