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Hi fellow developers,

The master branch has now experimental support for the Microsoft C/C++
x64 compilers.

If you are a hacker brave enough to try it, you can enable the use of
the x64 compiler (you need at least the 64bits version of the compiler
and the Windows SDK installed) either by the configure flag
--enable-cl-x64 or using the LibreOfficeWin64 distro config.

Unfortunately I don't have a 64 bits Windows right now and I will be
travelling to Brazil next week to the latinoware conference (many
thanks to BrOffice) so I will probably not be able to work on the port
for at least 10 days (bug reports and patches are still very
appreciated, and I am sure Fridrich and Tor will be glad to review

For now only the Visual Studio 2008 and the Windows Server 2008 & .NET
3.5 SDK are supported, as the Visual Studio 2010 is still work in
progress. Once I fix the climaker crash, I will announce experimental
support for Visual Studio 2010 too.


Jesús Corrius <>
Document Foundation founding member
Skype: jcorrius | Twitter: @jcorrius


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