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Hi Luke,

On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 23:21 +0100, Luke Dixon wrote:
I thought I would try one of the easy tasks and the zenity systray one
seemed the most fun for me to look at. After getting it working I
figured I needed to also add it to the configure system
        Cool :-) you did indeed get that bit right - not obvious is it ;-)
hopefully when we switch to gmake we can clean all that
stuff up.

I looked at some of the already existing icons in the project, but I
couldn't find one that would be suitable (the best one I could find had
seagulls in it).
        Heh; I guess default_icons/ should have a bus-load of artwork in it.

Patch contributed under LGPLv3+ / MPL.
        Wonderful - thanks; merged it now - I added the 'sleep' inside
zenity_close - to avoid it being on the other code path.

Thanks for providing the easy tasks, it makes very easy to jump in and
try to help.
        And thank you for submitting a fix ! much appreciated; I've removed the
task from the Easy Hacks wiki page to avoid overlap. What would really
help is the finding of other easy hacks for others ;-) [ we are running
shorter over time ... ]

        Of course, some more feature work precisely here might be nice ;-) eg.
if we are building from an interactive terminal, on Unix, and we have
DISPLAY= set, and we have zenity installed - it might be nice to default
that flag to on. I also needed to do some tweaking to make it work
properly with parallel building - eg. autogenning with:

        --with-num-cpus=16 --with-max-jobs=4 --enable-zenity

        And I hope that the open3 module works nicely on Windows / Mac -
supposedly it is 'core'.

        Anyhow - thanks ! is there anything else you'd like to work on ?



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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