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Hi Jean-Philippe,

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:

I've just installed on Debian sid i386 LO beta 2 French release.

find command finds the file in /usr and in /opt (I
installed deb package on Document Coundation website libreoffice-ure...,
and I let Debian official OOo on the system). But it seems
that /opt/libreoffice3/program/swriter doesn't find the file. When I
run swriter, I get " no such file or directory". It's
an error from soffice.bin, says the message too.

How can I tell soffice.bin where find the lib, as it doesn't find
itself? Is that a bug (don't think as I'm alone to experience it)?
you should run /opt/libreoffice3/program/soffice

a bash script that sets the environment for the office. It should
run the start center from which you can operate.


Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno
Acca Esse
giuseppe.castagno at
beppec56 at


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