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On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 22:29 +0200, Wolfgang Silbermayr wrote:
I started translating comments in svx/inc from german to english. All
files directyl in svx/inc have been translated and the files in
svx/inc/svx from AccessibleControlShape.hxx to sdtaitm.hxx in
alphabetical order.

You can commit the patch under the terms of LGPL3+.

Excellent, these translations do help, though it may seem trivial to the
non-German speaking. There was one little typo that changed a "_" to
"r". Building it would catch those ones early :-)

I also help on to one little comment which just said "#iXXXXX" and
nothing else. FWIW the "XXXXXX" numbers aren't really useful as they
indicate bug ids in the internal Hamburg bugtracker, but "#iXXXXX" refer
to the public issuezilla tracker so there can sometimes be a nugget of
context available for reading for those ones.

Patch applied and pushed, thanks.



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