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It looks like someone already connected Base to Apple's Address Book (no bonus points for me)

On my mac, I can't get the Mozilla Address Book driver to work.
1. Preferences -> LibreOffice Base -> Connections shows that is 
2. Trying to open the abook.mab file as an existing database fails (it doesn't recognize the file 
as being a database).
3. The connect to an existing database drop down doesn't include the Moz Driver.

I'm working on trying to isolate all the Moz Driver code out of the seamonkey source so it can be 
build with seamonkey disabled. I'd also like to update the code something a little more modern like 
v2ish of seamonkey (I'm going to look into Thunderbird's code and see if it uses seamonkey's 
address book code).

Also, does anyone know of any documentation on how the connectors work? (libs-core -> connectivity 
-> source -> drivers) 

Any pointers on any of the above would be nice.

Joe P.


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