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On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Martin Gallwey <> wrote:
Hi there,

I'm attempting to build LO on 64bit Windows 7 using the Visual Studio
2010 Express using a combination of the instructions here:

And the somewhat scattered instructions here (as there is no windows
section on yet):

So far, I've run into the following issues:

1) The list of cygwin modules to install is not up to date. So far I
have installed the following:

    * autoconf
    * automake
    * bison
    * cabextract
    * flex
    * gcc-g++
    * git
    * gnupg
    * gperf
    * libxml2-devel
    * libpng12-devel
    * make
    * mintty
    * openssh
    * openssl
    * patch
    * perl
    * pkg-config
    * readline
    * rsync
    * unzip
    * wget
    * zip

Can this list be put onto the website? Is there some funky way
to instruct cygwin to install a list of packages in the same way that
something like sudo apt-get build-dep works?

2) The requirement to use 'cydrive paths' - it's worth maybe saying to
put the git checkout into a directory like c:\lo and then doing a cd
/cygdrive/c/lo before running to ensure that the correct
path is used?

3) If pkg-config is not installed, PKG_CHECK_MODULES is not defined
and fails with the message:

./configure: line 3598: syntax error near unexpected token `MINIMUM_REQS,'
./configure: line 3598: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES( MINIMUM_REQS,'

Rather than something more useful like 'Please install pkg-config' (I
logged for this)

Okay! Most of the battle so far was figuring out what cygwin packages
to install and how to get the correct cygdrive paths - can someone add
a windows section to with
the info in this email?


Since you have firsthand experience, having bee through it, it would
be nice of you to add the appropriate section in this wiki:




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