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Hi Michael, Thomas,


        So - we would need to alter the patch. That leads to some diffs of
diffs problem, but ... hopefully there is some --with-system-icc variant
that could be used, if indeed the patches don't change its behaviour in
some unpleasant way.

That piece of software (icc) was added by me in, IIRC, 2007 when the
PDF/A support was added.

The icc stuff is used to generate the PDF/A-1a sRGB color profile at build time, as I wrote in this README file:

I don't think there is a --with-system-icc because icc it's not used at
run-time, only the generated profile is, included in the PDF generation logic.

As to find a way to change the includes, ATM I can't be of much help
since the patch changed from 2007 to now, and I didn't follow the patch
adaptation currently under way in LibO, that is, the one Thomas and
others are carrying on.


Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno
Acca Esse
giuseppe.castagno at
beppec56 at


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