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Hi Rene,

On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 19:54 +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:13:15PM +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:
On Tuesday 12 of October 2010, Michael Meeks wrote:
  Having said that - it looks like this may be some horrendous
compatibility problem between the internal stlport and the system
version - but we'll need to chase that down. Possibly we simply can't
use our own stlport if we link KDE, unclear - Lubos: thoughts ?
 I don't see the point of using stlport if the system is capable of building 
KDE, in which case I'd expect the compiler to provide an adequate STL 
implementation itself.
ABI compatibility to OOo C++ extensions is one. (Though happily only
for i386 on Linux)
        Nasty - so we could be in the position of choosing between KDE
integration, and extension/plugin compatibility ?

        Lets hope Caolan's iostream fix hides the problem for now ;-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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