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On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 01:15 -0700, wrote:
On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 20:24 +0100, "Caolán McNamara" <>
On Sat, 2010-10-09 at 11:41 -0700, wrote:
Howdy, all. It took some effort for this SysAdmin to craft a shell
script to meet this "EasyHack",

The principal looks good. Here's a edge-case test file though, e.g.


it already has a "/* vi:"... modeline at the bottom, so maybe best thing
is to detect and remove conflicting modelines. Though there's so few of
them, they could be handled manually, so its no biggy.


Hi Caolán,

One thing that is stinky about this edge case is that the Emacs(?)
modeline is actually in the *middle* of the file (after the first
#include). Not sure what to do about that, since it is pretty expensive
to actually search every part of every file, versus only search the top
line and bottom line as add-modelines does now. But, based on your
comment, I don't think I'll spend too much effort on dealing with that
since it appears to be a quick manual fix.

I'm almost ready to submit the next version of the script. It'll have
arguments that can be specified to:

* Set the top-level directory to search (-p <sourcecode path>)
* Wipe out existing modelines (or not) (-z)
* Specify filetype via any number of *.<suffix> (-s <file glob>)

Also, if none are specified, it'll use defaults that are the same as the
previous version (don't zap existing modelines, decscend down from the
cwd, change *.cxx and *.cpp).

So, for example you could do this:

./add-modelines -z -p LibreOffice-source/ -s *.cxx *.hxx *.h

and existing modelines would be replaced, the path would be
./LibreOffice-source/, and the file types would be *.cxx, *.hxx and *.h

All functions work, generally, though I'm working through a bug that,
interestingly enough, added a second modeline to the bottom of this
particular edge-case file, rather than replacing it as I asked. Once
that bug is quashed, I'll post the updated script to this list.


Jesse Adelman
San Francisco, CA
Bold and Busted LLC
LibreOffice mailing list

Ah, and now I see why add-modelines messed up the last line.
add-modelines checks the first 6 characters of the line to determine if
there's a modeline present. It uses the beginning of the to-be-set
modeline to determine the answer to "what is a modeline?". However, that
line in your edge-case has "vi:set", rather than "vim:set", so
add-modeline didn't see it. I hope that this edge case doesn't have
lurking partners in crime elsewhere in the codebase. I suppose I should
start some urgent grepping to see?

I'll have to consider whether that's worth lowering the check to 5 and
risk picking up comments as modeline "false-positives", or just ask you
to change those by hand before running the script. ;)


Jesse Adelman
San Francisco, CA
Bold and Busted LLC


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