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On Sat, Oct 09, 2010 at 09:22:20AM +0200, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
and apt-get listed many packages to be installed including several ones
related to mono. Is it really necessary ? Indeed I am not sure if Ubuntu
No is representative of what is needed to build LibO because
Ubuntu OOo is not vanilla OOo nor Go-OO ?
Wrong, Ubuntus OOo is go-oo. (Don't get confused by their splash, they have
some weird secret contract with Oracle that allows them to use the Oracle
logo; maybe because they claimed they used vanilla OOo, no idea)

Back to the topic: apt-get build-dep does no magic, it looks in APTs cache
and installs what is mentioned in Build-Depends: of the source packqge
you give it. In this case of, and there the mono stuff is




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